Yearly archive - 2020

Renewable Energy Trends for 2021

Renewable Energy Trends for 2021

Renewable energy trends continued to grow in 2020, despite the global pandemic. Experts expect bigger growth as the pandemic comes under control in 2021 

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What is Phantom Energy?

What is Phantom Energy?

Phantom energy refers to power used by electronic devices even when turned off.  Many modern appliances create this issue because they use energy when off to stay in quick-start mode or operate a clock, including…

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What is a Virtual Power Plant

What is a Virtual Power Plant

Virtual power plants use advanced software to create a system that connects hundreds of power-producing renewable resources, giving homes and business clean, consistent energy

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Decompose Trash: How Long Does it Take

Decompose Trash: How Long Does it Take

It’s amazing and depressing to learn how long household trash last in landfills, but you can take steps to control how your home’s waste impacts the environment

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How Do You Harness Energy?

How Do You Harness Energy?

Energy harnessing involves the practice of capturing available energy and converting it to electrical power. People can harness energy in many ways, including capturing solar, wind and water energy, as well as through the use of microgrids and electric vehicles.

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How to Choose a Home Battery System

How to Choose a Home Battery System

Choosing the right home battery system starts with determining how you want to use the system. That’s typically broken down into four basic areas: reducing electrical costs, providing back up power in case of a power outage, powering your entire home or making your home more sustainable.

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Which Plants Help Clean the Air?

Which Plants Help Clean the Air?

Any one of these 10 indoor plants that purify the air are easy to find for purchase. And you don’t have to become a master gardener or even have much of a green thumb to tend to them. These plants thrive with just a little tender care

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What is the Safest Cookware?

What is the Safest Cookware?

Modern cookware provides a lot of convenience, especially the nonstick services that make cooking and cleaning much easier. Unfortunately, such pans may also contain chemicals you don’t want in your kitchen. Better choices for the…

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Best 90s Environmental PSAs

Best 90s Environmental PSAs

The last decade of the 20th century featured no wars, a growing economy, expanded use of the internet, grunge music, and extremely memorable ‘90s environmental PSAs.

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What is the Future of Solar?

What is the Future of Solar?

The use of solar energy continues to boom around the world. In some places, solar has become cheaper to use than coal and is the lowest-cost option for energy.

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