All posts tagged fresh water

Ocean Energy Facts: Exploring How Ocean Power Works

Ocean Energy Facts: Exploring How Ocean Power Works

The ocean covers more than 70% of the planet, yet we have barely scraped the surface of its bountiful renewable energy supply. Explore how ocean power works and if ocean energy could power your life.

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Developments That Could Help in the Quest for Clean Water

Developments That Could Help in the Quest for Clean Water

The struggle for clean drinking water is far too common, leading to health concerns and sometimes death in impoverished nations, it is even a concern here in the U.S. With so many technological advances, fresh and clean water can now be made available to anyone, though more help is needed.

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The Shocking Facts about Fresh Water

The Shocking Facts about Fresh Water

Fresh water is a necessity of life; in fact you can only live a few days without it. Take the first step in reducing your water consumption or “water footprint,” by reviewing these shocking facts about fresh water and what you can do to help conserve it.

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